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Online Survey

The survey node can be used in a variety of situations, whether you want to gather data which is pertinent to your marketing strategy "How did you hear about us?", or whether you are simply trying to engage your user with a quiz or poll, this node is perfect.

Setting up the survey node comes in two (2) basic flavours:

    1. Poll - Users are posed a question and can choose from a select group of answers. Results are displayed as a percentage.
    2. Quiz - Create a series of questions and multiple choice answers, specifying what the correct answer is. Users submit their answers and are scored on right / wrong answers. Comments can be provided based on scaled results. Eg. 1 - 5 correct = "Whoa, better luck next time!", 6 - 10 correct = "You're a pro!".

    Results of the survey must be stored in a database.

    This package requires a dbconnector node to be present.

    Screen Shots

    Online Survey

    Online Survey

    Online Survey

    Sample Nodes for Download

    • To download any of the below sample nodes, select the code example field, press Ctrl-A to select-all, then press Ctrl-C to copy. Identify the correct parent node in your WebPal client. Right-click on the parent node, then select "Paste". To view the results, simply preview the chapter.


    This survey node is generally inserted into a layoutbox in a design. The end result is a question with a series of 3 or 4 answers which can be selected via radio-button input. On-submit the results are stored in a database and results are displayed based on type. Note that this node includes code which will allow only one answer per IP address to prevent spamming.

    Where to use this node


    namerequiredThis is used as the id and name of the form node
    titleoptionalThe title of the poll/quiz. This will appear on the results page in a <h1> tag
    typeoneofpoll, quizSelect between making a poll or making a quiz. Details are listed above.
    langoneofany, en, fr, de, esDetermines what language the poll is for
    statusoptionallive, archived, hiddenDetermines the status of the poll. If it is live then it will display on the website, archive will show only results of the poll, and hidden will keep the poll hidden
    display-result-baroneofyes, noIf you want a bar to display on the results page as a visual repesentation of the results
    results-on-same-pageoneofno, yesDisplays the results in the same area as the poll.
    printerfriendly-designoptionalSelect the design used for the printer friendly page.
    max-bar-lengthoptionalThe maximum width of the results bar.
    submit-buttonoptionalThe text that will appear on the submit button
    alert-messageoptionalThe text that will appear in a javascript alert when a question is not answer.

    Sub Nodes

    button-imagewpImageThis gives you the option to upload a button image instead of using the standard form button.
    questionwpSurveyQuestionThis is the node used to add a question to your poll/quiz
    stylewpRawInsert custom css code with this node.
    score_textwpSurveyScoreUsed for survey type='quiz'. Specify a message for each score value



    This is the question that is posed to users. This could be a multiple choice question or a simple yes/no question.

    Where to use this node


    namerequiredThis value is used as class names and form element names for a question.
    textoptionalThe text of the question. This is saved in the database and, displayed on the poll and results page.

    Sub Nodes

    results_textwpHtmlExtra information that will be added to the results page.
    optionwpSurveyOptionThe node that inserts options for each question.



    These options will create radio buttons that a user can choose from when answering the question.

    Where to use this node


    valuerequiredThe value to be used in the value attribute of the option form node. This value is also stored in the database if selected.
    textoptionalUsed as the label form node and the text for that option. Appears on the poll/quiz and the results page.
    correct_answeroneofno, yesUsed in type = 'quiz'. Way to specify the correct answer
    columnoneofleft, rightDetermines what column the options will appear in.



    This is used in type = quiz. Depending on what score the user gets, different text will appear. Example: score_text(1) - max_score = 10 score_text(2) - max_score = 5 If a user gets a score between 0 - 5 score_text(2) will appear on the results page, if a user gets a score between 6 - 10 score_text(1) will appear. (Each correct answer is worth 1 point.)

    Inherits from:

    Where to use this node


    max_scorerequiredUsed for type = 'quiz'. This is the maximum value a user needs to get to receive that score.
