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Navigation Nodes

The center piece of any design template is the main menu, generated by the navigation node (wpNavigation). This node is inserted into a layoutbox and dynamically renders a multi-level menu based on the chapter structure of the web. You can create both horizontal and vertical menus, image or text based layout, with fly-out or drop-down options for multi-level functionality.

The sitemap node can be inserted into a chapter and renders a hierarchical set of links (a sitemap) of your web.

The location-path (wpLocationPath) (also known as "bread-crumb-trail") lists the parents of the currently selected chapter, in a linked path. This node is inserted into a layoutbox and can be styled to have smaller customized font/link styles. This is an especially useful feature for websites with many levels of content.

Screen Shots





Location Path



The navigation node dynamically generates a menu (and its sub-menus if applicable) based on the chapter structure of your web. This node has a variety of options including: Horizontal or Vertical Menu layout; Image Based or Text Based Menu Items; Drop-down or Fly-out options for Submenus. Developers Note: To change the root level of the navigation use the following: root-chapter: /chapters/chapter[@name='new_root_chapter']

Where to use this node


widthoneof100%, defaultThe width of the navigation. Defaults to 100%.
root-chapterdefault/chaptersIdentifies the root (=parent) node of this menu. All sub-nodes of the root node are listed as level-1 menu links.
max-levelsdefault2How many levels to expand the menu. Default=2, but any value is possible.
expand-levelsdefault1On load, the navigation will expand this many levels. For example, "2" will show all level-1 and level-2 items of the menu tree. This attribute is only useful for vertical type="standard".
typeoneofpopup, standard, subchaptersFor "popup" (default), level-1 items are rendered side-by-side or stacked, and higher-level items will "fly-out" on roll-over of the appropriate level-1 items. For "standard", all level-1 items are shown, but only sub-chapters of the current chapter are expanded. Type "subchapters" shows only the subchapters or the current chapter.
subchap-backtrackoneofno, yesIf type="subchapters", setting this attribute to "yes" will cause the navigation to list all siblings of the current chapter as level-1 items, with the current chapter expanded, showing the sub-chapters.
use-activeoneofno, yesDetermines whether or not the menu should use an active state of a menu item. (Ie. Show a different button image for the currently selected page.)

Sub Nodes

levelwpNavigationLevelNavigation levels define styling for each level and sub-level of the menu.



Navigation levels define the styling for each level of the menu. The order of the nodes is relevant in that the first level will apply to level-1, the second to level-2, and so on. Each navigation will contain at least 1 level. Some webs may have 2 or 3 levels depending on the the size of the website. If n levels are defined, level n+1 of the navigation is defined the same as level n.

Where to use this node


layoutoneofhorizontal, verticalChoose whether the layout is horizontal or vertical.
repeat-parentoneofno, yesUsed in sub-menu levels, determines whether you repeat the parent chapter in the submenu.

Sub Nodes

box-stylewpBoxStyleConfigures the styles for the level
font-stylewpNavFontStyleConfigures the font style for the level.



This node gives you the control to style the css for the font styles used in a menu. Specifcally this comes in handy when creating drop-down or fly-out menus where you want the menu items (links) to have a specific colour and behaviour.

Inherits from:

Where to use this node


nameoneofitem, item_over


Box styles control the appearance, size and positioning of the various levels and their associated menu items. Each level will have a box style which "wraps" the "items" in that level. In turn you can style an item inside the level to take on a certain behaviour. Eg. Changing background colour on hover.

Where to use this node

Sub Nodes



Create a linked bread-crumb-trail on each page so users can back-track through pages. This node is inserted into a layout box and can be custom styled using the "footnote" style in the font style selector.

Where to use this node


text-transformoneofnormal, lowercase, uppercaseProvides an option to explicitly define the case of the bread-crumb-trail.

Sub Nodes

separator-bulletwpImageAllows the use of an image to separate the links.



Add this node anywhere in a chapter node to generate a sitemap of your web site. This is an overview of all chapters set to "show in menu = yes" and will help users quickly find their way around your site. Typically, this node will be inserted within a chapter called "Site Map" or something similar.

Where to use this node


titleoptionalThis will insert a tile above the sitemap.
styleoneofstandard, detailedChoose whether you want to display shorttitles (simple) or titles (detailed) as the labels for each entry.
columnoneof1, 2Determine whether the list is single or 2-column.

Sub Nodes

bulletwpImageAdds a bullet before each item.



This node creates a bulleted list of all the sub chapters within the current chapter. The show-in-menu attribute is used within the chapter to determine whether or not the sub chapter will appear. The include-all attribute if set to yes will display all chapters regardless of the show-in-menu value.

Where to use this node


styleoneofstandard, detailedChoose whether you want to display shorttitles (simple) or titles (detailed) as the labels for each entry.
